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Cozy Car Seat Blanky (DAY 1)

Wanting a new home-made way to keep your baby warm on outings?  Blankets
constantly get kicked
 off so… this CAR SEAT BLANKY solves the problem! 


To make your CAR SEAT BLANKY you will need: 

  • 1 meter of hunter green flannel (for front)
  • 1 meter of camo flannel (for back)
  • 1 meter of cotton batting
  • Sewing machine, thread, scissors, fabric pen, pins, rotary cutter, cutting board, etc. 






  • Place the 2 pieces of flannel with fronts facing together and fold into quarters.
  • With a fabric pen, draw a shape that looks something like this.
  • Cut out, leaving folds intact. 



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