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Fitted Bed Sheet

Hope you all had a great weekend.  We have been working on a queen size fitted bed sheet.  After you have finished all of your corners, you will then sew on your elastic.  You will zigzag your elastic on to your fabric.  You will need to pull your elastic somewhat taught as you sew it.  This allows the elastic and fabric to gather.  Once you have gone all the way around, you will then turn over and sew again by pulling it taught to give it a nice finished edge. 


This is not hard but a little time consuming.  You will see in the end that it gives you a nice finish which is what you want.  If you would rather, you can first sew a casing and then pull your elastic through.  Remember this will take some time especially if you are doing a full, queen or king size sheet.  If you do not want to use elastic all the way around,  you can certainly do just the corners.  We have seen this in sheet sets as well.   

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